So far so good this summer! Greg and I were able to go on a vacation!!! We went with 3 other couples in mid-June to Parker Arizona, which is also known as "The River". We spent 6 days there "Taylor free"! Although I did feel a little bit of guilt leaving my baby for so long, that quickly dissipated. She stayed with Greg's parents, so she was in good hands! I felt like it was a lot to ask of them but my mother-in-law insisted we deserve it and reminded me that she had 6 kids at one time, so we took her up on her offer! It was so nice to recharge our batteries. We layed in the water under the sun all day and went to bed early every night. We managed to not get sunburned, but we also managed to put on a few lbs, so it evened itself out. Taylor had a great time with her grandparents and her great-aunt who kept her busy and happy. When we got home she looked like she saw a ghost. She wanted Greg and I to hold her at the same time, she was so happy to see us. It ended up being a great trip!
On other news, we found out we are going to be an aunt/uncle/cousin again! Jeff and Tracy are expecting their 2 baby in December! We can't wait to see the new family of 4!
I have gone back to work 2 days a week, and my clientele is finally growing! I really enjoy my salon and working.
Greg is doing well, running the dairy with his dad. We just need these milk prices to go up more and he'll be a happy camper.
Taylor is running around and doing the funniest things these days. It's so fun t just sit back and watch her. She enjoys touching everything with her pointer finger which results in either an eye being poked, or her poking other's behinds, or knocking stuff over at the grocery store. I'm teaching the whole "don't touch" thing, but it's a work in progress. She also loves to give kisses (with her mouth wide open). And she blabs all day, never making any sense. It's fun to watch her grow and learn new things. As for her summer, she is not caring for any kind of water unless it's her bath. We're working on it, cause in this 100 degree weather, we need to stay cool outside of the house!