Well once again I apologize for not being good and keeping up with my blog, but my computer is super slow and it's so annoying! But we're working on that. Anyway the month of July has been pretty busy over here. Well let me start with the end of June, Greg and I went down south for a quick trip to attend my brother's and sister-in-laws housewarming party. That was fun cause a lot of people got to meet and hold Taylor for the first time and I got to visit with some old friends and family. Oh and my brother bought an amazing house that he got to show off as well! Then two weeks later my brother-in-law got married! He's one of the twins and his new wife Shelley is super sweet and of course looked beautiful as a bride! That was a fun wedding! The following day we went to a angels/Yankees game, and that was a blast as well! While we attended the game my mom and step dad got some one-on-one time with the little one. They got to show here off a bit too which they said was fun. But they also realize why people my age have children... "because it's tiring". I missed her of course but got to relax with Greg and family at the game which was fun! Then that night one of my best friends Alex hosted a dinner for us. Candace came over and we got to visit for a while. I do miss my friends and I was glad that they took time out of their busy schedules to see us! It was a long couple of days and we had Taylor in tow for all of it, and it took a little bit of a toll on her. She got a little sick when we got home, so I've definitely learned my lesson that I can't go see everyone when I go down there anymore, they'll need to come to me for the most part. She's feeling better but still has a little bit of a cough. Anyway, she's 2 months old today, and this makes me sad cause time is really flying by now! I'm really making an effort to enjoy everyday with her, but it is already going too fast! She's making noises now when she's happy and she smiles back at you when you talk to her. She's becoming more mobile and "playing" with some of her toys in her play gym. Oh did I mention she's adorable? She had a doctor's appointment today and she's still just as healthy as can be, and I can't ask for more! She weighs in at a healthy 12lbs 13oz and is 23 1/2 inches long. She weighs about a pound more than an average 2 month old, but the doctor said that she's longer than most so it's nothing to worry about. She eats the right amount so mommy isn't over-feeding or anything. Seems like she's gonna be tall! Oh and the sleep situation is much better now! She gets up once between 10 and 6 and that's great for a 2 month old! She's turned out to be a great baby! Sure she has her "fussy time" at night before bed, but what baby doesn't? I have no complaints (not even about the sleep), and I am truly loving being a mommy and Greg is a great daddy! We work great as a team which I think is super important! I know I sound cheesy right now, so sorry, but ever since I had her, I'm still super emotional! She's such a blessing, as is every baby, and I couldn't be happier in my life right now. As for me going back to work, I start at a new salon at the beginning of August and I'm working only 2 days (wed and Fridays). My mother-in-law is watching her on Wednesdays and my friend Sheryl has Fridays. I'm so blessed to have people who are close to me watching her instead of a stranger and I couldn't be happier that it's worked out that way! God has truly blessed Greg and I in more ways than one! Check out this video and I will be posting some pictures as well. I was going to call this video puke and play :)