Thursday, September 11, 2008

My job and Greg's abscess

So I started my new job three days ago and its going really well so far. Not too many people crowding my station yet, but the people and the place are great! Its not only by some shopping, but its by some great food places too! And the people are really nice here. Its been a little dull cause I'm in the waiting around process of building a clientele, but that's what i get for moving. I'm going to try to get some pictures on here soon.

As for Greg, my second day of work was partly spend back in the urgent care taking out his abscess that was in his right armpit! I'm so glad mine was placed where it was, cause he's in some serious pain these days. But the good news is that we caught it early enough, so they didn't have to cut or pack as much as they did mine. It doesn't make it hurt less, but it will probably heal faster. I'm not really sure what the heck is going on up here in Pixley, but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! As for Kaweah Delta urgent care, we've seen and know just about all the doctors and nurses and each one has been great!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This will probably gross you out

So I totally warned you in the title of this blog entry, I don't want any phone calls asking me what my problem is :)

With that said, I will explain a little of whats going on in these pictures. I had to go today to get the hole in my arm unpacked and repacked with gauze. With an abscess it takes a while for it to drain the pus and blood, so we have to keep it open to allow it to drain. So we keep this shoe string looking gauze in it and stuff it in the hole. Mind you the hole in my arm is so big that you could put your index finger in there all the way up to your first knuckle, its deep. So the doctor pulled out the gauze then they washed it out with water and stuffed the gauze back in. It hurt pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as when they made the hole two days ago. So I wanted to put pictures up so my family and friends (if they wanted) could see what it looks like. So sorry if you think this is wrong, its for my family. Here we go!