Thursday, August 13, 2009

growing up

So Taylor is going to be 3 months old in one week and things have changed. First of all she sleeps through the night! She goes to bed around 9 and wakes up around 6 and I'm a much more pleasant person to be around now :) She's alos cooing and holding her head up like a pro! Although sometimes after a long play period she gets tired of holding her noggin up and she collides with my nose or mouth, that's an interesting scene. Just picture it, I'm tearing up from the pain and she's screaming from the pain. But the best of it all is she's smiling ALL the time now... okay maybe not ALL the time but you know what I mean :) It's so fun watching her crack up at nothing. So we had this adorable outfit that one of my friends gave me and she looked so cute, so we decided to have a photo shoot and I thought I would share.

Other than that I started work last week at a new salon and I love it! The girls are great and I only have to work 2 days a week, rough I know. But my mother-in-law watches her one day and my friend watches her the other. I lucked out to have them available and willing to take care of our little one! I miss her of course during those days, but it's a nice break and I love my clients! Life is good!


The Eigenbrood's said...

Awe! Taylor is SO CUTE!! I'm so glad the new salon is working out!

Shelly Koolhaas said...

She really is super cute Megan!!