Friday, July 11, 2008


So as you all know I have been trying to learn how to water ski a couple of times this summer and yesterday was a success! I was determined to do it, and after about 15 trys yesterday i got up! But it did come with a price. A few times i got up and was so wobbly that i smashed into the water face first. Then I got up and stayed up for like one long tiring minute. And later in the evening my arms started hurting, but that was normal. Well when Greg and I went to go to bed last night we saw some scrapes and bruises. Its hard to see with the picture, but there's a line bruise above my right eye and one on my forehead (mind you i have makeup on) and my arms are really bruised. The picture is my right arm and i have one on my left too! Not really sure how they got there, but whatever, I got up! Greg got me and some of our friends up and did a great job at that. Greg also skied and obviously did a good job too, he's a natural. So we've been going to the local lake once a week and can't wait to purchase our own boat!


The Ratcliff's said...

wow megan. hitting the water is literally like a brick wall. it can cause bruises-crazy cuz its a liquid. hang in there and way to get up!!

Jaclyn Douma said...

MY GOODNESS MEGAN!!!!!! It looks like greg has been beating you!!!.........At least you got up!! ... but hey...its all about the if you can't get up it must be gregs fault..hahaha :)